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Download .apk file from Android emulator
To get the APK file of an app installed on an Android emulator, follow these steps:
1. Find the Package Name:
• Run the following command to list all installed packages on your emulator:
adb shell pm list packages
• Locate your app’s package name from the list (e.g.,
2. Get the APK Path:
• Once you have the package name, you can find the APK path using this command:
adb shell pm path
• The output will give you the full path of the APK on the emulator, something like:
3. Pull the APK File:
• Use the following adb pull command to copy the APK file from the emulator to your local machine:
adb pull /data/app/ ~/Desktop/
• This will download the APK file to your desktop or the path you specify.
Let me know if you face any issues with these steps!